Thanks for LaTeX

Thanks for LaTeX

the answer is lying around, somewhere.

Solution for OneDrive Client for Linux Update Errors

Recently, when updating the OneDrive client for Linux, I followed the instructions and encountered this error:

permission denied open config in w mode
  1. Simple Version
    Run the container once as root, and after updating the directory permissions, you can run it as the onedrive user.
  2. Detailed Version
    At first glance, it seems that the directory permissions in the container are incorrect, because there was another message before this error:
change owner of /onedrive/data to onedrive:onedrive with gosu

Then I entered using the override entrypoint mode (the default keeps restarting):

docker run --entrypoint sh -it driveone/onedrive:edge

Sure enough, I found that /onedrive/data is root, and my first reaction was to start the container as root:

docker run -it --name onedrive -v onedrive_conf:/onedrive/conf \
    -v "${ONEDRIVE_DATA_DIR}:/onedrive/data" \

It worked as expected.
Then I discovered a second issue: newly created local files and directories have root permissions, making them inaccessible to the user.
At this point, the directory permissions in the container were already correct, so I could run docker as the onedrive user:

docker run -it --name onedrive -v onedrive_conf:/onedrive/conf \
    -v "${ONEDRIVE_DATA_DIR}:/onedrive/data" \
Ownership of this post data is guaranteed by blockchain and smart contracts to the creator alone.